Babyland through the eyes of a Little Girl

Join us at Babyland General Hospital

Babyland General Hospital is the “birthplace” of the Cabbage Patch Kids located in Cleveland, Georgia. Xavier Roberts converted an old clinic into a facility from which to sell his dolls, originally called “Little People. Wikipedi
Our Visit on my Granddaughters 5th Birthday
What a wonderful experience to view babyland thru the eyes of a little girl.
Today is my grand daughters 5th birthday, as a special treat we are taking her to Babyland General Hospital. This is her first visit here, and I cant wait to see her eyes lite up to all the babies.
We began our magical journey at the Nurses station where we signed in at the lobby. Here they have a collection of some of the earliest Little People (the original name of the hand-stitched to birth Cabbage Patch Kids) dating back to 1978. Current values for some range up to $37,000!

The Nursery
From the lobby we continued our journey through the many nurseries filled with hand-stitched Original Kids and Babies which are all up for adoption. They do allow you to pick them up, play with them, and even give them a hug. That was one of my granddaughters favorite things, she loved holding all the babies. Her favorite was the Pink hair Cabbage kid.

The Magic Crystal Tree
Next we entered a large open room with a Magic Crystal Tree as its’ centerpiece. This is where you will find the cabbage patch where the Patch babies are born, which is kept well pollinated by the bunnybees. Look for them flying all around the tree.
The Birth
The nursing staff will make announcements letting you know when Mother Cabbage goes into labor and her progress. This will allow everyone a chance to gather around the Magic Crystal Tree and the cabbage patch to watch the miracle of Cabbage Birth.
Assisted by a Patch Nurse a newborn cabbage baby will be born right in front of your very eyes. After the newborn is here everyone is encouraged to suggest a name, and between you, the Patch Nurse, and the baby a name is decided.

The Nursey
Then its off to the nursery to join the other newborns.
Here you will have the opportunity of adopting this newborn or purchasing many of the other babies and kids on display around the magical tree and in the gift shop along with a wide assortment of accessories.

Time to Relax
After your visit take a moment to find a rocking chair on the porch of the Cabbage Patch Hospital, and appreciate the fresh mountain breeze and scenery at Babyland.

Visiting Hours:
Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday – Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Closed: Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day,
Babyland General® Hospital 300 N.O.K. Drive
Cleveland, Georgia 30528
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